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21/07/2023 3584

100% pass rate of APU-Bilingual students in the National High School Exam in 2023

Annually, APU graduates transfer to prestigious universities around the world, most notably in the US, without having to take IELTS/SAT/ACT. These universities include UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Boston University, Purdue University, and New York University in the US, as well as the University of British Columbia in Canada, the University of Sydney and Australian National University in Australia, and Korea University and Yonsei University in South Korea…etc. Once enrolled in these prestigious universities, all APU alumni consistently achieve excellent results right from their first semester, and many are even placed on the Honor List (Dean's List). These academic achievements are a source of great pride and honor for the parents who have believed, loved and entrusted their children's future to APU for more than 25 years.

In order to reduce the financial burden and create more opportunities for students to easily access and study in an American-standard educational environment, APU Educational Development Group decided to expand its Bilingual program from the 2020-2021 school year to meet the unique learning needs and desires of students. Inheriting the advantages of more than 25 years of development of APU American International Schools, APU's Bilingual program offers prestigious education quality, a solid knowledge foundation, multi-dimensional thinking, English fluency, and the opportunity to access advanced American education to Vietnamese students. Students are given the most favorable conditions to develop their talents and absorb the knowledge and culture of Vietnam and the United States at a reasonable cost, while still ensuring the quality of standard training and a smooth transition to world-renowned universities.

Therefore, the 100% pass rate of APU-Bilingual students in the National High School Exam in 2023 is no surprise. This is the greatest joy not only for our APUers from the Bilingual Program but also for the entire APU American International Schools. It is also a testament to the dedication of all APU teachers and an affirmation of the high standards of the APU Bilingual program, as students can not only easily transfer to prestigious universities around the world, but also ensure that they meet the output standards and easily enroll in prestigious Vietnamese universities.

Once again, we wish all APU- Bilingual program students to be confident in your decisions and ready to pursue higher education in the future. APU is proud of you!