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News & Events


30/08/2018 1334

The friendly girls’ basketball match between APU Eagles and Canada International School (CIS) was the first basketball game of this season. APU students and staff went to cheer for the teams. Before the game started, APU students gathered on Phu Tho basketball court, District 11, to cheer for the players. The referee’s whistle signaled the game was set to begin.

The crowd went crazy when Linda, our team’s center, scored the first basket. Our APU Eagles were in the zone, scoring continuously and led the first half with a score of 8-0. The CIS players were polite and friendly, apologizing when they accidently bumped into APU players.

“My team highly appreciated the CIS girls’ good sportsmanship and good faith,”
said Mary, APU’s former team captain.

After the break, both teams were on fire, but playing fairly with no sneaky fouls or rough housing. APU Eagles took the game with a win of 16-0 by the end. The game concluded with a friendly handshake for all players and a sense of good sportsmanship by CIS even after a shutout.

“My team members were inspired by the fair play and good sportsmanship of CIS’s girls. We won the game with a great sense of teamwork and passion for basketball,” said Mary.