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Alumni Success Story

Nguyen Ngoc Xuan - Susan

12/05/2022 245


On a beautiful morning in August 2023, Susan Nguyen Xuan, an APU alumnus of the class of 2011, revisited the APU school in HCMC. The school where she graduated from the American high school program 12 years ago was the starting point for her pursuit of studying abroad in the United States, the country with the most advanced education system in the world.


Meeting APU's Chairwoman Dr. Binh again after all this time since graduation was a very indescribable feeling. In a space full of memories of those student days, beside a cup of hot tea, beside Xuan's father, who had high expectations for his daughter's success when he sent her to APU so early, and with the Chairwoman, who has devoted many years of her pain and worries to bringing the most advanced education to Vietnamese students and guiding generations of successful students. Three people, three stories, reunited at APU, it is really hard to put this emotional mix into words.


After leaving APU in 2011 to study in America, Xuan graduated from Roger Williams University with a Bachelor of Science in Finance four years later. She then continued to strive for a dual degree for a Master of Science in Finance and a Master of Business Studies at the prestigious Northeastern University (top 44 universities in the U.S. and top 10 for the best Business program in all U.S. universities). She finally received this double degree in 2019.


To achieve one of the highest distinctions in the investment management professions in the United States, Xuan continued to learn and became a CFA Charterholder in 2022. This designation is given to those who have completed the CFA Program and passed the three-part exam that tests the fundamentals of finance. For colleagues in this field, earning the CFA charter is like earning a "golden ticket": it demonstrates that the person has the knowledge and commitment to thrive in today's complex and evolving investment industry. Similarly, the Financial Times has quoted: "Among countless finance degrees around the world, CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst was considered as a golden ticket for finance qualifications."


When Xuan was asked about her career objective, she did not hesitate to share that she became a trusted thought partner as a senior investment compliance analyst at the Wellington Management Company, a reputable private asset manager based in Boston, Massachusetts.


APU truly admires the talent and energy of this student. With Xuan's determination and strong-willed personality, we believe that wherever she goes, she will succeed in her career thanks to her rich knowledge and her persistence as a true APU Eagle. After leaving the school, she soared high in the sky, finding countless opportunities in turning her dream into reality.


This APU Eagle has always been and will always be our pride and all of the future generations of APU students. Always believe in yourself because you have the best learning conditions in your hand, similar to how APU always believes that Xuan will shine and continue to inspire future generations of APU students to be successful as she is.