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Alumni Success Story

Tong That Thang - John

12/10/2022 931




APU: What was your most significant achievement in the past year?

John Tong: "I survived my freshman year at Boston University." 

John humorously shared that when asked by APU about his achievements after a year of becoming a student at Boston University, USA, majoring in Software Engineering. Boston University is a private research institution located west of Boston on the banks of the Charles River. It is home to seven of its Nobel Prize-winning alums, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Elie Wiesel, 35 Pulitzer Prize winners, and six Academy Award winners. Boston University has more than 90 elite international study programs with educational quality ranked in the TOP 50 in the United States. Statistics show that 94% of BU graduates will find a job or continue to higher education within six months. Solely on the ability to be welcomely recruited as a CEO, BU-ers are honored to be in 14th place.

Boston University has a vast number of business partners: more than 600 recruiters participate in career fairs at the school, and among them are world-class brands such as Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Nike, Tesla, The White House, Twitter… Moreover, 90% of students get internships while studying at BU, helping to increase the information network of alums and students, reaching 300,000 people working for corporations in more than 180 countries.

In order to attend Boston University, you must be an outstanding talent among countless who desire to become a student at this prestigious university. Tong Tat Thang–John received a scholarship of up to $262,000 right after graduating from APU class of 2021 from 7 American Universities, including Boston University, Arizona State University, UMKC, Florida Institute of Technology, Wentworth Institute of Technology, The American University in Vietnam, and Central Michigan University. After discovering his university's acceptant list, John did not hesitate to pursue software engineering at Boston University. The Boston University admission letter is unimaginable for any international high school graduate as the admission rate of this university is only 19%. 

Regrettably, John didn't have an American-style high school graduation ceremony at APU due to the pandemic in 2021. However, we believe that the best memories are those deep feelings from the heart. When we asked John to share about his most cherished moment at APU, our future computer engineer had a unique way of simulating, "Asking for my best memory at APU is like telling me to pick my favorite child; I had so many good moments during my time in APU that simply picking one is impossible." We wish John to have continuously successful years ahead at Boston University. Thank you for being part of the APU family.